Read Local: Darling Rose Gold by Stephanie Wrobel

Presenting Read Local: Darling Rose Gold by Stephanie Wrobel. Reviewed by Staci Stanton for In the Stacks. Purchase the book on Bookshop here.

Hey everyone I'm Staci Stanton and welcome back to Read Local, my video book review for In the Stacks. Today's review is Stephanie Wrobel's Darling Rose Gold which revolves around the unhealthy relationship between mother and daughter. Rose Gold has suffered from mysterious illnesses since she was a baby but was lucky to have a doting mother who has made it her life's mission to take care of her daughter. Years go by and doctor visits become the norm until one day, Rose Gold discovers her very own mother is behind her sickness and testifies in court to put her mother behind bars. After a few years, Rose Gold appears to have a change of heart and attempts to reconcile with her mother, even offering her a place to stay when she's released from prison. The reunion between mother and daughter is tense, and Rose Gold's mother is about to find out what her daughter's been up to during their years apart...Check out Darling Rose Gold by Stephanie Wrobel in the stacks at your local library.

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