In the Stacks Episode 106: Clean by Amy Reed

A video book review of Clean by Amy Reed. Purchase the book on Bookshop here, and on Powells here.

"Clean follows five kids during their month-long stint in rehab. There’s Jason, who’s seems to be on a path to turn out just like his abusive alcoholic father; Olivia, whose mother gave her diet pills that function like amphetamines; Eva, whose Dad turns a blind eye to her pot, pills, and hallucinatory way to cope with her mother’s death; Kelly, who drinks, does coke and has reckless sex because her parents ignore her to care for her handicapped sister; and Christopher, homeschooled by a conservative Christian mom who can’t understand his crystal meth addiction, much less that he’s gay and was turning tricks to support his habit." -- Michelle Z. from In the

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