Novel Culture Podcast Quick Review: Queen Takes Knights by Joely Sue Burkhart

Presenting Novel Culture Podcast's Quick Review: Queen Takes Knights by Joely Sue Burkhart. Reviewed by Desiree Rose with Novel Culture Podcast.

Hey, I am Desiree and this is Novel Culture Podcast’s Quick Review. Today I will be reviewing Queen takes Knights by Joely Sue Burkhart. Queen takes Knight is the first book of the 12 book Their Vampire Queen series, a paranormal romance reverse-harem novel filled with vampire-esque characters that don’t look much like the vampires you see on TV. This book starts following a scared young woman who is running from the monsters who killed her mother five years ago when out of the blue, two men come to her rescue. She learns she is a lost queen descended from the ancient Egyptian goddess Isis, and that these men, her blood – or vampire knights – will swear their undying love and allegiance to her. As the book progresses, we learn more about her heritage and her need for more blood while also watching her learn her own strengths. This book culminates with Shara facing the monsters who killed her mother. This book is packed full of actions, sex, blood, and violence, sometimes all happening at once. If you are looking for an action-packed vampire novel that breaks traditional vampire rules by blending different mythologies and folklores together while also being so steamy that your bedroom windows fog up, this is the book for you. 


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